What is a Good Guitar Practice Routine?
What is an Effective Guitar Practice Routine?An Effective guitar practice routine is the daily execution of a pre-defined set of exercises within a specific time frame.It doesn’t have to be…
What is an Effective Guitar Practice Routine?An Effective guitar practice routine is the daily execution of a pre-defined set of exercises within a specific time frame.It doesn’t have to be…
Is Guitar Tricks Good for Beginners? I wrote this post after Jay, one of my students, asked me to recommend an online system for learning intermediate guitar so he could…
Walking Bass Line:A walking bass line is a smooth, steady sequence of bass notes that creates a flowing rhythm, often moving in quarter notes. It’s commonly used in jazz, blues,…
A Bass Line:A bass line (or bassline) is the rhythmic and melodic foundation of a song, typically played on a bass guitar, double bass, keyboard, or synthesizer. It provides the…
Dynamics In Music:Dynamics in music refer to how loud or soft a note, phrase, or entire piece is played. It’s all about expression, adding emotion and variety to music instead…
Double Stops On Guitar: A double stop is when you play two notes at the same time on the guitar, instead of just one like in a typical solo or…
Guitar Slur:A guitar slur is a technique where notes are played smoothly without picking each one individually. Instead of striking every note, you connect them using hammer-ons, pull-offs, or slides,…
7 Chords on Guitar:A 7th chord (or "7 chord") on guitar is a chord that includes four notes: the root, third, fifth, and a seventh. This extra seventh note gives…
Deliberate Practice Guitar: Deliberate practice guitar means focusing your efforts on specific skills or techniques with the goal of constant improvement. It’s not about noodling aimlessly or running through your…
Hybrid Picking:Hybrid picking is a versatile guitar-playing technique that combines the use of a guitar pick (or plectrum) with the fingers of your picking hand. This approach allows you to…
Legato on Guitar:Legato on guitar is a playing technique where notes are smoothly connected without any noticeable gaps or interruptions between them. The word "legato" comes from Italian and literally…
Guitar Muscle Memory:Guitar muscle memory is your body’s ability to automatically perform complex guitar movements without actively thinking about them. It’s like putting your fingers on autopilot! When you repeatedly…