The Third Chart Of Strumming Patterns Pdf File

Dear fellow guitarist,

This third strumming patterns Pdf chart includes four essential exercises.

The focus of these patterns is to teach you how to strum eighth notes and mutes.

Most simple acoustic guitar strumming patterns include eighth-notes strummings, so it’s pretty apparent why practicing this chart will help you.

A cool tip?

Exercise number 4 is also great for your strumming hand’s warmup.

This is how it looks: (The Pdf download link is below the image).

This is how the third chart of the strumming patterns pdf looks

Download this third chart of strumming patterns Pdf for free. No registration requiered.

If the layout works for you, download the six strumming patterns pdf charts from our free download library so you can print them and have a “solid path” for learning the basics of guitar strumming.

Check out this book:

“The Ultimate Guide To Strumming” to avoid internalizing strumming hand errors and capture the correct movement for accuracy:

( Link)