String Finder Launch Announcement Launches the String Finder By ArtistA Tool for Guitar Players To Find the String Set Their Favorite Guitarist Use.Dear readers,We at are happy to announce the launch of… Launches the String Finder By ArtistA Tool for Guitar Players To Find the String Set Their Favorite Guitarist Use.Dear readers,We at are happy to announce the launch of…
How To Read Guitar Sheet Music Dear Fellow Guitarist,If your calling is to play guitar, you will love the way you'll feel when you won't have to hide the fact that…
7 Best Music Theory Books for Guitar If you're an aspiring guitarist, you've probably heard the term "music theory" thrown around quite a bit. Perhaps you've even studied it…
Effective ways for memorizing the guitar fretboard notesDisclosure: We are a professional review site that receives compensation from the companies whose products we review or recommend.Guitar fretboard notes memorization is…
How To Structure the best Guitar Practice Routine On Your Own To Meet Your Goals Sooner Dear fellow guitarist, In this post, you'll discover: How to structure a guitar…
The biggest takeaway so many fail to see in Joe Pass chords book is… The "nameless-jazz-chords method"… Eliminate thinking of chords as you play by playing what you…
Dear fellow guitarist, If you're an intermediate or advanced guitar player who wants to get your playing abilities to higher levels and master the guitar, this post is for…
A Simple Method For a Beginner To Learn Guitar Seventh Chords Fast! Dear fellow guitarist,Make sure to review the first part of beginner guitar chords before starting this lesson.If you did,…