You are currently viewing Rhythm Guitar Lessons – part 1- Reading & writing

Dear fellow guitarist,

This first lesson in the rhythm guitar lessons series introduces rhythm reading and writing.

First, let’s understand the note values, names, and how they look.

Introduction to rhythm part 1 - note values - Free guitar lessons for beginners & advanced guitar players

Preparation For Reading rhythms

If you’re new to rhythms or want to sharpen your coordination and rhythm abilities, the following two exercises will help you.

Exercise 1

Purpose: To clap your hands on a different beat (marked as a quarter note) while stomping your foot on a steady 1,2,3,4 count.

Goal: To Improve your coordination and to start getting to know the rhythmic spatial.

To make things easier for you, I recorded how the exercises should sound, and I did it in three different tempos so you can start slow and gradually go faster.

Each audio strip starts with a four-beat pre-count, and the exercise is played twice.

It’s easy. Try it.

Foot to hand coordination ex' 1 for self-taught guitar players - Free guitar lessons for beginners & advanced guitar players

Exercise 2

Purpose: To clap your hands in 8th notes and emphasize a different beat (marked as>) while stomping your foot on a steady 1,2,3,4 count.

Goal: To Improve your coordination further. 

Again, I recorded how the exercises should sound on three different tempos.

Each audio strip starts with a four-beat pre-count, and the exercise is played twice.

Foot to hand coordination ex' 2 for self-taught guitar players - Free guitar lessons for beginners & advanced guitar players

After you’ve done some preparation work, it’s time to grab the guitar and go to part two of rhythm guitar lessons by clicking here.

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